What is Digital Citizenship?

2 min readApr 5, 2022


According to digitalcitizenship.net, Digital Citizenship is defined as the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use. As another source of home.edweb.net see Digital Citizenship, it’s built with six core topics: (1)media balance and well-being; (2)digital footprint and identity; (3)privacy and security; (4)relationships and communication; (5)digital drama, cyberbullying and hate speech; and (6)news and media literacy. How I see Digital Citizenship is that it is each individual’s responsibility to use technology properly and have accountability for their actions with the use of it.

This image above shows a quick understanding of what digital literacy and digital citizenship is and how they are similar, yet different. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Digital literacy refers to fluency in the use and security of interactive digital tools and searchable networks. While Digital citizenship is the broader term that often incorporates the concept of digital literacy.

I think digital citizenship can be supported for adult learners by implementing these concepts and ideas into course contents. If it is a part of the course topic, we will have to learn it and by doing so we can help spread the knowledge about it like what we are doing now. I have never heard about this specifically until now and this has been eye opening on what it is and what we can do about it. By learning what digital citizenship is, each individual can try to promote it by following and doing so by the guidelines of digital citizenship. Educators should even implement quick and easy knowledge of what digital citizenship is to young children as technology is used at all ages. This website https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/10-fun-digital-citizenship-videos-for-k-5-classrooms gives a quick overview and fun videos to watch and learn about it. Implementing something like this in a class day, young children will have a better understanding of using technology.

Here is a quick four minute video that you can watch to learn why Digital Citizenship is important.




Written by Khang

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Undergraduate

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