My Manifesto of Digital Detox

2 min readApr 19, 2021


My digital use everyday was average since I am a college student, but it wasn’t crazy like how it is today. Since the pandemic, my time usage on digital devices has increased highly of what it was before. Keeping myself safe from not exposing myself being outside with others gives me more time inside my house. Having more time inside my house makes it hard to do anything besides being on my phone/laptop/tv. This idea of digital detox doesn’t sound crazy prior to the pandemic, but thinking about it now does. There’s not much to do as a student who lives in a dorm, so I usually turn to my technologies when bored.

Digital detox is something that I would love to do eventually once I’m out of my dorm because I enjoy my time outside more rather inside. The only thing that has made me stayed inside and more on my technologies is the pandemic. That’s why I don’t touch my phone as much when I get the chance to go out because I actually enjoy being off my technologies. Definitely something that I want to do for the upcoming summer, go out more and spend less time on technologies.

Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash

This ideal of digital detox is a good way to stay sane and healthy because constantly gazing at a screen for hours will impact you negatively. Starting off slowly of cutting a few hours a week and eventually dialing it down to spending your time on technologies a few hours a day. Cutting your hours spent on technologies slowly is the most probable way to do it instead of going cold turkey.




University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Undergraduate